Author: Alchemist
Alchemie und die Freude am Leben – Hittisau 3-5th September 202
A post from Julia
Often we don’t even know what contribution we are in someone’s life. A contribution that opens a whole different world, a new life for the other human being. We are often unaware of this, either because we are so concerned with ourselves or because we are simply ourselves and do nothing special. In our society we are shown and taught so often that only when we do or create something, we are special, but for our being we are often not seen – for what is often a matter of course for ourselves.
Yet, our being and what is self-evident for us, what we bring into this world is our contribution.
How can we discover ourselves? Know what we are ourselves? Do I actually allow myself to be myself? When am I, and when am I what I have learned to be or what others want me to be?
And yet, I’m not alone on this planet. How can I be myself in fellowship with others? Is that even possible?
I met more than a year ago now, and he changed my life. He changed my life so much in a wonderful way, and I am so endlessly grateful to Greg. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
This one year I took part in several Alchemy classes of him and a new world opened up for me in every course and session with Greg. A new world of freedom and being myself, as I was able to let go of so many things that had held me back before. So many things I didn’t even realize, for which I have no words, and I don’t have to have words.
This space Greg creates in the classes with us is so magical and still hard to describe for me. Because somehow every word would limit this magic. The words that maybe remotely can describe this space are GRATEFUL, JOY, MAGIC, PEACE
Now printed in 5 languages
Well it’s done. The Russian translation is not just e-book now. Thanks to Csilla and her pushing to get the Hungarian translation published, she found a printer who was willing to publish/print the Russian version as well… This means it is printed in 5 languages now… Wahoo… I am very grateful to everyone who has contributed to this creation… Translations… Proofreading… Correcting… Editing… Pushing me to show it to the world…
Die Alchemie des Ich seins! – Kelkheim Aug 20-22nd 2021
Die Alchemie des Ich seins!
(English below)
Continue reading “Die Alchemie des Ich seins! – Kelkheim Aug 20-22nd 2021”
Rudyard Kipling’s words of wisdom … read by Sir Michael Caine
I have always liked what I have seen with this actor…and I love the wisdom in the poem he speaks to us about… advice by which we could all aspire to live…
The Haka St. Petersburg March 2021
Alchemy classes in St. Petersburg 20-23rd May 2021
Alchemy of the Body Paris march 2021
Claudia and Melanie have an invitation for you …
English version below
Greg Bryers, in seiner ursprünglichen Heimat Neuseeland als Heiler bezeichnet, gibt seit einigen Jahren energetische Kurse in Europa. Durch seine Nahtoderfahrungen in den 90er Jahren, hat er nicht nur eine andere Sichtweise auf das Leben erhalten, sondern er bringt dadurch eine Energie – einen Raum – mit….den Raum von absoluter Dankbarkeit, in dem nichts bewertet wird. In diesem Raum ohne jegliche Bewertung ist es möglich, dass unser Körper und unser Verstand Traumata und Blockaden loslassen können, die unser Leben bisher eingeschränkt haben. Durch Teilnahme an Greg’s Kursen oder einer Einzelsitzung mit ihm konnten bereits sehr viele Menschen ihr Leben auf erstaunliche Weise verändern, mehr für sich selbst und für ihre Familie und Freunde kreieren, hin zu einem glücklichen und friedvollen Leben voller Freude.
In den kommenden Monaten sind in Deutschland und Österreich einige Kurse geplant, die in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt werden und unter Einhaltung der jeweils gültigen Regeln stattfinden werden.
Greg Bryers und sein Team im deutschsprachigen Raum freuen sich schon auf die Kurskreationen und auf alle Teilnehmer, die bereit sind neue Wahlen für ihr Leben zu treffen.
Im Bild findet ihr alle Kurse im Überblick. Details zu den einzelnen Kursen findet ihr unter und/oder ihr schaut regelmäßig auf Greg Bryers Facebook Seite vorbei, da werden laufend auch die einzelnen Kurse gepostet.
Für weitere Fragen seit ihr eingeladen euch direkt bei Greg, noch besser bei den im Post markierten Personen zu melden.
Greg Bryers, known as a healer in his former home, New Zealand, has been giving energetic classes in Europe for several years now. Through his near-death experiences in the 90s, he not only got a different view of life, but he also brings an energy – a space – with him … the space of absolute gratitude in which nothing is judged. In this space, without any judgement, it is possible that our body and mind let go of trauma and blockages that have restricted our lives so far. By attending Greg’s classes or a one-on-one session with him, many people have been able to change their lives in amazing ways, create more for themselves and for their families and friends. Towards a happy and peaceful life full of joy. In the upcoming months, some classes are planned in Germany and Austria that will be translated into German and will take place in compliance with the applicable rules. Greg Bryers and his team in the german-speaking countries are looking forward to the class creations and to all participants who are ready to make new choices for their lives. In the picture, you can find an overview of all mentioned classes. You can find details about the individual classes at and / or check out Greg Bryers Facebook page regularly, where the individual classes will be also posted on an ongoing basis.
The Magic of Letting go, and Receiving _ Budapest 12-14th Feb
Alchemy of Gratitude and Joy – Cologne 12-14th March
Alchemy and Choice -Maria Anzbach 19-21st Feb
Sophie created a showcase of Alchemy classes and friends …
The Venue in Paris… wow, an invitation to such a beautiful space…
Alchimie de la vie – Vivre au-delà du soi et Etre – Paris Nov. 2020
Alchemy of the Body and Haka – Admont 26-28th Feb 2021
The Alchemy of Asking Questions
Do changes happen …?
Mélanie got a private session with me and Sophie as translator. Here’s a message she sent us.
Imagine what this Alchemy space can create in 2 days…
′′ My back hurts, and the morale goes with it very much. I didn’t know what Body Alchemy was. And I went there knowing nothing about what was waiting for me.
And as I walked into this room, I met two extraordinary people, two wonderful aliens. They just wrapped me up with no point of view, no judgements. I laughed, cried, I felt good. They gave me this space, I found myself again. It was magical!
And today my back pain went away, and I really don’t have any words that can describe how I feel.
Apart from wow! This is crazy! I’d like to take some more..
So, a big thank you for this great gift! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Love you Happy Sophie & Greg Bryers
How can it be more better than that ?”